I find myself wishing she’d stuck with Kannada cinema to increase its classical dance filmi quotas! It appears she’s only been in three Kannada films so far ( Vishnu Sene, Poorvapara, and Namyajamanru). Though she is a Kannadiga from Bangalore, she’s had much success in Malayalam films which form the bulk of her filmography. The woman with Anuj in the video above is Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, a trained Bharatanatyam dancer still practicing today whom I’ve become quite curious about. In any case, here's what I've been able to find about classical-inspired dances in Kannada cinema. Or was it the industry's recent struggles compared to its earlier golden years? I even started to wonder if Karnataka had less of an engrained classical dance tradition that would be reflected in film compared to, say, Tamil Nadu, but I suspect I'm ignorant on the subject. When I first pondered why I had so few Kannada songs in my blog posts, I wondered if the film industry's obscurity relative to its southern counterparts had simply hidden songs from my view. There is a relative lack of information about Sandalwood (the Kannada film industry) online compared to other southern industries which means an outsider like me has put forth extra effort to unearth anything useful.

But finding native Kannada films (not dubbings) with classical dance content has been difficult.

Tamil and Telugu films seem to dominate the landscape of filmi classical dance offerings with Malayalam films in a distant third likely due to Kerala's rich classical dance traditions. Throughout all of my posts on classical dance, one thing that has bothered me is the lack of representation from Kannada movies.